Monday, September 22, 2008

10 years

10 years ago today me and Alec decided to start our journey together as boyfriend and girlfriend. Its been so wonderful to share so much of my life with my very best friend! I look forward to many many more!

8th grade Homecoming Court...braces and all :)
I love you babe!

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Labor day weekend was wonderful! I went shopping with my Mom in Kansas City and we had a great time! It had been a while since our last mother/daughter trip. 

This past week was crazy at school. I've been working really long hours trying to get things done although it seems that the list just keeps growing. Sadly, I will be going to school tomorrow (Sunday) to try and get some work done as well.

Alec went out of town this weekend to go hunting in Texas with his friends and his old roommates from college. He left Friday around 3 and probably won't be home til late Sunday evening. So me and Babette have been having a girls weekend and I've been trying to get some things accomplished around the house.

Here is a picture of my precious students on the first day of school!