From the months of July through September we have 11 family birthdays. Because of this I have vowed never to have my children in those months (fingers crossed). So needless to say we have been busy with birthdays and the beginning of school.
I started teaching 1st grade on the 20th and I love it! Its quite a change from Pre-K but I'm really loving it. I love that they are independent and can go to the bathrooms by themselves, they can actually write words in their journals that I can read, they can sit at their desks and work quietly.
I started looking for a job in July (I should have started earlier, but I was loving getting things done in my house and just enjoying my summer). Needless to say the second week in August came around school was starting all over Tulsa and I had no job. I had basically given up and thought I would just do the dreaded subbing thing. Then one afternoon my Dad called me and said, "Catie, I was standing in line in subway here in Sapulpa (a town where my dad works) when I overheard two women talking. One of them was saying that she could not find a 1st and 3rd grade teacher. So I leaned over to her and told her I could help her out. Of course she was a little confused so I started to tell her about you and now she wants you to call her immediately." So I got on the phone and called her...she wanted me to come to her school right away for an interview so I changed clothes as quick as possible and headed to Sapulpa. Once I got there I met the principal and two other teachers at the school. We talked for about an hour and a half and they took me on a tour of the school. Then they asked me to go wait in the conference room while they talked. A few minutes later she came in and offered me the job! Of course I said yes. Then it was off to human resources to fill out an application (because I had not applied to Sapulpa Public Schools) and complete all the paperwork.
Now I have to tell you the coolest thing about this story is that my principal told my Dad in subway that that morning the counselor at the school and her had prayed specifically for the Lord to send them a 1st and 3rd grade teacher. She said to my dad that she felt that I was the answer to their pray that morning before she had even met me. I believe it, except they were the answer to my prayers. God provided completely for me and I am so grateful to be there. I can't wait to discover the many reasons why He put me there!